Monday, June 21, 2010

Longest, Most Exciting Day of the Year

First things first. Happy Summer!

To note:
Allegra is licensed! A big congratulations to Allegra! I'm proud of you! Mom, proud of you too!

Here's how I feel about it:

(I know I look 11, but this was taken after a long day of bus dancing on Saturday.)

Next: What a weekend! This is the dreaded week where I lose my little Rach-face, my constant companion and travel buddy since January 2006. Yikes. Here is one final Boston family photo and one final 'Cheers!', capturing years of friendship and memories. Rachel, I love you and will miss you.

Arestia had such a good weekend that she pooped out on Saturday afternoon. We had a very full weekend.

Relish the summer sun.


  1. 1. Clear the roads!
    2. Sad face for Rach-face :-(
    3. Keepin' it classy, Rie.

  2. Listen, I had a power nap and then POWERED ON! I'll have you know after I rocked the rest of the day. Also, I demand the acquire these photos.

  3. you girls take the best sleeping photos. i seem to remember one of drea on the plane to vegas? you know which one.
