Friday, June 18, 2010

Green Dream

This room, obviously featured in this month's Lonny, has me all green with envy. (Such a shitty pun, I'm sorry, I had to take it). There is so much flavor in this room. It looks like a great place to spend a day. A real haven.

I use my bedroom more as a functional place and don't spend much time in my room for non-sleeping purposes. I don't think that's either good or bad, just the way it is. Growing up, the action was in the kitchen and I hate missing the action. Now, the craziness is in the living room and that's where I do the limited living we do in the apartment. Truth be told, I'm more likely to be socializing with my roommates out of doors than on our couches* which reminds me of this someecard.

*Friday nights excluded.