Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Enamored with OCD

Boston's artists' district hosts First Friday Open Studios, where artists open their studios up to the public the first Friday of every month. Spectators and plebs like me dress up, drink wine, watch Flamenco dancing (odd-I know) and nibble on finger foods while taking in breathtaking and breathtakingly expensive pieces of art. You are certain to stumble across a little gem.

And did I ever! OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Design in the South End) designs incredibly unique and darling cards. The website is a little rough (ie not recently updated, it insists on playing music) but I captured some of my favorites to show off. Keep designin' Boston.

FIDDLEHEADS! Also, love the use of lilac.

Love the drama and that sunburst mirror!

Holiday-neutral, yet still festive. Also, lacks embarrassing cheese of most holiday cards.

Those subtle martini glasses? Of course I'll come to your party! Invite me!

Brilliant use of a leaf as a Christmas tree! I gasped!

1 comment:

  1. I love a good snowflake card! Much appreciated by all of us multi-holiday celebrators :-)
