Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One Hell of a Disco!

For my brother-in-law's  40th birthday soiree, my sister coordinated a hell of a disco party. She went all out and the costumes were fierce. Kudos to the new, young neighbors whose introduction to Harvard, Ma included all their drunken elder's in platforms, wigs and psychedelic glitter tops.

There was a DJ, a bartender, 20 cases of beers, 10 handles of hard alcohol, one a-mazing vodka/pineapple concoction, and tons of food. The "dance floor" was hysterical and I was left wondering how you took any business man seriously in tight, plaid pants. How did anyone ever accomplish anything?

Here are some pre-party photos, *sorry no costume pictures-I was too busy flittering about.

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