Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Ringling Brothers circus is in town! And every year, they park the circus train and make the animals hoof it to the performance center. They call this a parade and we all get to watch these big fellows lumber towards their destination. 

Excuse me mom, this is apparently a thing that happens annually and everyone knows about it. HMMM....Why did we never go watch the elephant parade?!?!?! I'm certain I'm not as well adjusted as my peers because I was lacking this exposure to elephants.

While I have your attention, my college roommate told me this heartbreaking tale from a PBS special in which 2 elephants had been best friends in the circus. One fell ill and was sent to an animal sanctuary to live out the rest of his days free from labor. Many years later, a new elephant was brought to the sanctuary and put in the adjoining pen. Well, you know, elephants never forget. So they got to elephant-talking, realized who the other was, and bent then pen bars to touch each other. Staffers found them in the morning holding trunks. I die for this story.

They're coming!

Two elephants...I mean, circus fattie!

Trunk to tail!!

LOOK at his mane!

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