Friday, August 6, 2010

Round 2: Sucks or Awesome?

It's Friday and we are lazy. Here's another riveting round of classifying things into either 'Sucks' or 'Awesome': 

Car-related topics: 
Buying a new car sucks? Awesome. Sucks. Debatable. 
Being rear-ended in Maine: Sucks, sucks, sucks! 
Everyone being ok though: Quite awesome.
Driving new car after driving rental Impala for 2 weeks: Awesome like a Ferrari.

Dating-related topics:
Just because flowers: Awesome & makes your day. 
Smiley face flower platter adorned with pipe cleaner: AWESOME. Stories for days. 
The boys shared a post-date awesome regarding flatulence, but I weigh in as: sucks. 
The fragility of dating (timing, game-playing and baggage): sucks. A lot.

Beach-related topics:
Beautiful beach days with friends: Awesome, duh. 
Losing/breaking a flip-flop: Sucks and is painful.
A beach with literally no shade: Sucks, unless you hide under the 20 year old's lifeguard stand, then, hilarious. 
Horseflies: Without question, suckiest. 
South-shore tattoos: ZOMG. Mind-blowing. Awesome.
The teenagers who bring their radio and bitch about weighing 110 lbs: Ugh, sucks.

Stand-alone topic: The 'Ha-ha' game is awesome!!! 

This game is so fun and leads to so many laughs. You should really turn to the person next to you to chronicle classifying everything in life into these two categories.

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