Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On my mind...

  1. Are people still following Charlie Sheen on Twitter? (Spoiler: I guess so)
  2. What was the perfect storm that allowed such a meltdown to take center stage of American pop-culture?
  3. Why doesn't Facebook treat it's users like people?
  4. Fortune 100 site traffic has decreased by 23.02% this year. (via Hubspot webinar). That's insane. Someone is going to get blamed for that, and somebody is going to lose a job. But it's really that the world is shifting. 
  5. PS If your site's stats are up-trending, you should feel proud/lucky.
  6. Can adults have summers off? I could really use it. As you can see, I'm really thinking about work. A lot.
  7. Where should we go on vacation? Thinking Newport for the Folk Fest, St.Louis for a high school graduation. Any other good ideas for winding down with a cold one? And some nachos? Send my way.

1 comment:

  1. Adults can have summers off. Hopefully, someday soon, I'll be living that dream.
