Friday, February 11, 2011

Made Me Reflect

It's Friday and it's been a long week. Many people have done many things. And while it's nearing the end of the work day, I could work for 249605003 more. So I took a break and read this article How to Be a 20-something and it resonated. 

Here are two passages I liked: 
"Start your twenties with a lot of friends and leave with a few good ones. What happened? People faded away into their careers and relationships. Fights were had and never resolved. Shit happens."

"Form the habits that will stick with you forever. Drink your coffee with two sugars and skim milk every morning. Buy a magazine every Friday. Enjoy spending money on candles, smoke pot on Saturdays, watch the television before bed."

This kid Ryan wrote it, though he's not even half-way to 30, but it spoke to me none-the-less. 

Pretty soon I had spent too much time over on Thought Catalog-so check them out, but tread carefully. 
Back to new mobile solutions in health IT. It's very big this year!

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