Friday, January 7, 2011

Confession: Lady Crush

Happy New Year's! I have a secret...I'll tell you if you're ready.

Nearly every weekday, rainy, cold, sunshine-y and every other type in between, I pull myself out of see about a girl. Now, try as I might, I may not see her every day, but it counts as a good week when I've seen her three or four times. Obviously, I'm talking about the one-and-only Eden Kessler, she of

She's seen me at my worst: early, sweaty, tired, hungover, with smeared make-up and just regular too. (Bonus: somehow she still thinks I'm funny.) She, on the other hand, is always looking fresh-faced, with GREAT hair, sporting a smile, a coffee and the perfect dose of morning sass.

I don't talk to many people at the gym, so I didn't know what to expect the first time I took a class with Eden. My first experience was a Tuesday morning at 7am that left my abs aching when I coughed or laughed, a strange feeling for someone who had never felt her abs before. That was it, I was done for and I went back for more that Thursday. She manages to make us all laugh despite our best efforts and the class has turned into a strange, mixed little community. I've brought my roommate over at Hiker in Heels to Eden's classes at every opportunity. In fact, I've followed Eden anyplace she goes, to a local hotel where she sometimes teaches, and I'm pretty sure if she taught in Rhode Island, I'd go there too. So the point is, don't skip any opportunity to get to know Eden.

You'll fall in love, I'm telling you.

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